How to forget Facebook

Good nightbiggrin back again with me. last posting here i wrote how to use facebook to promote our business but this time i write to forget facebook. Why? let's check this out...

Before we read this article let's ask our self

1. When you online, how many percent that you spend your time to play Facebook?

2. Whether Face book give you benefits? besides you can make relationship again with your old friend and get more new friends?

Read and do this way if we feel facebook spend to much time that useless not as a business or promote our product

1. Strong intention to reduce our time log in to Facebook.
2. Make your new password facebook and print it but don't remember it just save in a place that you lazy to take it again
3. if you use your own PC to play facebook, block facebook in your browser
4. Don't set your homepage browser as Facebook
5. Don't set your homepage browser of your mobile phone as Facebook
6. Don't play the game in facebook
7. Realize that friends in the real world better than in the virtual world
8. Hold yourself not to respond or make comments or write status on Facebook
9. Create your profile unattractive
10. Create a separate schedule to use facebook but remember not long than 15 minutes and just to take a rest or get relax

The last tips or way to reduce our time to log in to facebook is...

" Consistent with the work we plan "

After we did it, we have more time to use internet to get knowledge for example Blogging,
Write to share...

OK, that all tips or way to forget facebook,
once again I hope you understand my Englishmrgreen

Hopefully useful

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Ditulis oleh AriE ONly - Tuesday, October 5, 2010 - 8:58 AM

3 komentar untuk "How to forget Facebook"

  1. Wow, why do you share about to forget the fb bro...? Any problem with that? I think u want to left fb cause as a blogger concentration needed, just like me too bro... I think if we want to forget it, we can't, but we just needed to reduce a access it online... :)

  2. @Onjor: just title not to forget facebook forever my broder :D

    I agree with you we can't forget facebook just reduce our time to play it... Thanks broder...

  3. czemu nie:)


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