Marketing Facebook 19

Welcome back with me in simple blog. This posting I want to share about how to use facebook marketing for our business .

As we know facebook is a famous social networking in the world, and i think I shouldn't tell you more about facebook for introductionmrgreen.

so, to the point for the posting...

How to use Facebook to growth our business with friends who have more friends specially beautiful girl.

let's see the fact, each beautiful girl that update her status in facebook there is always people specially man give comment for her status even her status only several character and don't have the mean like this...

Marketing FacebookSo we can use that chance to promotion our business like internet marketing. For example we can tell that beautiful girl to put our link or our blog in her status.

For example like this, if our business is Online store that sell clothes
she can write " This store have beautiful shirt that always in my dream, i am so happy to visit there " your link"
Understand what I mean?... I hope so and understand my Englishrazz

Let's imagine something, each beautiful girls have more than 3000 friends in her facebook at least each status can read more than 100 her friends. so, if we can get 3 or 4 girls who want to put our link in her status, we can get more than 300 peoples to read and visit our blog or online store. That is good promotion, right?

If that girls won't to put our link, we can make a deal. she put our link in her status we give her money.

razz win win solution.

That promotion better than we do single promotion in our facebook.

That all, once again I hope you all can understand my English and my postingrazz

Oh, i forgot something in my title of this posting I said " marketing facebook number 19" about number 19 its because I very love DEWA 19 band. just number doesn't mean the list (bukan urutan marketing ke 19).

Have a nice day. see you...

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Ditulis oleh AriE ONly - Friday, October 1, 2010 - 8:52 AM

6 komentar untuk "Marketing Facebook 19"

  1. apakah Ia dpt pertamaX ??? xixixixi kk ebatt euyyy skr merambah dunia marketing.. xixixixi sukses ya bwt kak Arie :D

  2. @Cyntia: ya... tia dpt pertamax, kak kasi bensin sekalian... ala anak koz...

  3. posting pertama dengan bahasa inggris...cukup bagus... selamat n sukses selalu

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  5. @Bang Nangangan: terima kasih bang, salam kenal
    @James: Thank you for sharing, I'll bookmark it and learn more
    @secangkir teh: heheh.. sama gan, ane baru belajar...


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